Episode 40 – My Strangest Secret: a 30 Day Challenge That Changes Everything

Show Notes

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Do you want to know the best kept “secret” audiobook of successful people?

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale is a CLASSIC personal development piece that people from every walk of life have benefited from.

You can find the full 35-minute recording of The Strangest Secret on my Youtube channel, but today I want to introduce you to my FAVORITE part of this audiobook.

Earl Nightingale was one of the first Americans to help people connect with their life’s purpose.

The Strangest Secret is a daily listen for some very successful people. Why? Because each time I listen, I get a different a-ha moment.

Rather than sum up the book, I want to use it as a jumping off point to tell you about a 30-day challenge that will change your life.

I’ll tell you:

• Why 5% succeed, and 95% don’t
• How success is a decision you get to make!
• Why we become what we think about
• Two 30 day tests to create a new thought habit
• Choosing what we want every single day
• A new way to deal with negative thoughts
• How to join the 5% who live out their dreams
• What it means to be “single-minded”
• Deciding what direction to direct our thoughts

“We are where we are because that’s exactly where we really want to be, whether we admit it or not.”

“Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you shall find. For everyone that asks, receives, and those who seek find. And to him who knocks it shall be opened.”

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