Episode 58 – REPLAY FRIDAY: Community, Clarity, and Commitment – How I Grew a Million Dollar Business

Show Notes

No one is born an entrepreneur BUT anyone can cultivate the skills to become one. Before I came into network marketing, I was a clinical psychologist who viewed myself as a hard worker and a good follower. I never identified myself as the one people should follow. But overtime, I actually grew into a being visionary through recognizing how my strengths, education and experience could be applied in a new way. Now as a top leader with It Works for over a decade, I can say with confidence I know what it means to be a person others want to follow and someone who motives others to take action for themselves.

In this episode, you’ll learn why it is important to:

~Decide what you want your life to look like (clarity)
~Develop a few more skills to help you become a finisher (commitment)
~Find others who are successful at what you want to do and stick with them (community)

Go to my site at DeniseWalsh.com and enter your email to get a 50% off coupon of the Dream Life Workbook when it comes out (Summer 2018)!

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